Daniel and I updated the Battle Screen mockup with a few new things tonight:
- Player 1 now only has 4 spells instead of 8.
- Player 1 is under the influence of one of Player 2's spells.
- Player 2 is under the influence of two of Player 1's spells, plus one of his own.
- Player 1 just had 5 damage done to him. (Note the -5.)
- Player 2 just had 2 damage done to him, then 8 damage done to him. (Note the -2 fading out.)
So does this seem workable to you guys? I was a bit worried at first that players would want to know what exactly those spells they're under the influence of are doing to them, but since there are so few spells being flung around, we've decided it's really not that big a deal.
You'll know what your spells do to you already, or if you need to know, just select it. So you really only don't know what the other person is doing to you, but you will see him cast the spell, so you can read what it does then.
And if it becomes a problem later on, and people really want to know the details of the spells affecting them, we can use the shoulder buttons to scroll through the list of spells influencing the player.
I have a suggestion for the UI:
there's a lot of noise at the top with the background and the icons and text and health bars.
Maybe just adding a black semi-transparent bar underneath that whole area would separate it a bit more.
That's a good idea. I'll put that into the next mockup.
This is great info to know.
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